Cryptocurrency adoption is at less than 1% of the global world
population with some countries and entities actively fighting
against its mass adoption and the smartest developers and nerds
holding the fort.
Bitcoin was the first, and it has since grown to thousands of tokens
launched all aiming to fix one problem or the other with some quite
simply FOMOing the moment. Our goal is to bring mass adoption to the
cryptocurrency space by dumbing it down. How far down? So down that
even a celebrity can explain it in simple words to their followers
and have them download an app, buy into the social currency of their
favourite person and watch their investment as is with other
cryptocurrency project.
We are trying to do to this space what investment apps did for the
"nonexistent retail investors". We are gamefying digital currency,
bringing in popular faces instead of hard to understand projects to
make it the norm and inadvertently being the "gateway drug" for a
lot of people to finally give this space a real look.
A new digital economy is coming. People would be just as powerful
as countries and creators would be paid beyond the peanuts that
conventional social media platforms can offer.
There would be new markets and advertisers with little to offer
would not find home there. Like Kanye said, "Personalities would
become the new currency, and services would be built on top of
them". Well, Kanye didn't exactly say that, but it sounds like
something we hope he would say.
Currency is digital, it has been that way for a while now, but this
time there would be no dead presidents on the money, there would
people like you on the money, and you would own it because it would
make the most sense in the world.